Online Courses Frequently Asked Questions

Our online courses are on demand, so you can do them whenever and wherever you like at you own pace. You can use any device with speakers or headphones.

We use visuals, audio and plenty of interactivity to keep you interested and alert. You can control the pace, recap at any point and read the script if you wish. All online courses come with a briefing paper for you to download and keep.

How long will the online course take?

Each online course is likely to take 2-3 hours, depending on how fast you choose to go, including a final quiz, which comprises 15-20 short questions.

If I don’t understand something, can I check with a tutor?

Yes – if you have questions or you’d like to discuss any aspect of the course, you are welcome to email or phone your tutor.

How long do I have to complete the online course and what do I get to take away?

You will have 4 months to complete your course. All courses come with a briefing paper for you to download and keep.

What technology do I need?

Nothing special – any device with headphones or speakers. Please see our technical specifications page for system requirements & current issues.

How will my online course be activated?

You will have immediate access to your course if you book and pay online. You will receive an email with instructions on how to access your virtual classroom.

Will I get a certificate?

We offer certificates for all our courses. Most CPD is now self-certified (e.g. accountancy, law etc) so we don’t offer CPD “points” for particular organisations. However, our courses would certainly meet most organisations’ CPD requirements.